de edad de treinta y cinco
años exercicio labrador
y esclavo de la viuda
Leblond y responde
Preguntado quien lo
prendio de orden quien
por que causa se la pre
sume Dijo que una
patrulla de milicianos
lo aprehendio y puso
preso en el calaboso de
este fuerte que ignora la
causa se responde
Preguntado si no tiene
años exercicio labrador
y esclavo de la viuda
Leblond y responde
Preguntado quien lo
prendio de orden quien
por que causa se la pre
sume Dijo que una
patrulla de milicianos
lo aprehendio y puso
preso en el calaboso de
este fuerte que ignora la
causa se responde
Preguntado si no tiene
thirty five years old
farmer by trade
and slave of the widow
Leblond and he responds
Asked who arrested
him on whose orders
for what reason does he think
He said that a
patrol of militiamen
apprehended him and imprisoned
him in the cell of
this fort that he does not know the
reason he responds
Asked if he does not have
farmer by trade
and slave of the widow
Leblond and he responds
Asked who arrested
him on whose orders
for what reason does he think
He said that a
patrol of militiamen
apprehended him and imprisoned
him in the cell of
this fort that he does not know the
reason he responds
Asked if he does not have
Previous document:
Declaration of Joseph (July 12, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Thomas (July 12, 1791)