currieron varios negros mina
y que Jaco a Fabre Dijo
al Declarante en presencia
de todos que Pais no
era bueno que si queria
el Declarante pelear con
los Franceses a lo qual le
respondio que no que ja
mas le havian echo mal
y responde
Preguntado quienes eran
todos los Mina que si
estavan presentes Dijo q.e
no se acordaron y responde
y que Jaco a Fabre Dijo
al Declarante en presencia
de todos que Pais no
era bueno que si queria
el Declarante pelear con
los Franceses a lo qual le
respondio que no que ja
mas le havian echo mal
y responde
Preguntado quienes eran
todos los Mina que si
estavan presentes Dijo q.e
no se acordaron y responde
various mina blacks attended
and that Fabre’s Jaco Said
to the Declarant in the presence
of everyone that the Country was
not good and if the Declarant
wanted to fight
the French to which he
responded that they
had never done him harm
and he responds
Asked who were
all the Mina who
were present He said that
he did not remember and he responds
and that Fabre’s Jaco Said
to the Declarant in the presence
of everyone that the Country was
not good and if the Declarant
wanted to fight
the French to which he
responded that they
had never done him harm
and he responds
Asked who were
all the Mina who
were present He said that
he did not remember and he responds
Previous document:
Declaration of Jean-Louis (July 11, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Cofi [Christe] (July 11, 1791)