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y se le hicieron las pregun
tas siguientes
Preguntado como se llama
que edad tiene de donde es
natural que exercicio y
quien es su amo Dijo lla
marse Leveille de edad de
treinta años Nacion Mina
Labrador, esclavo de el nom
brado Mayoux y responde
Preguntado quien lo prendio
por que causa y se la pre
sume Dijo que lo prendio
una Patrulla de milicianos
and he was asked the following
Asked what his name is
what is is age where is he
from what is his job and
who is his master He said his name
is Leveille thirty years
old of the Mina Nation
Farmer, slave of the said
Mayoux and he responds
Asked who arrested him
for what reason and if he knows
it He said that a
Patrol of militiamen arrested him
