D.n Ricard de Riotord
y Diego Ortiz quienes
quedaron enterados del
nombram.te de todos que
se les hace por el auto que
antecede como igualmente
D.n Isac Fastio de
Interprete del Ydioma
frances al Castellano y
juro por Dios ntro Senor
y una Cruz conforme
con que lo
acepte y que procederia
bien y filemte Segun
y Diego Ortiz quienes
quedaron enterados del
nombram.te de todos que
se les hace por el auto que
antecede como igualmente
D.n Isac Fastio de
Interprete del Ydioma
frances al Castellano y
juro por Dios ntro Senor
y una Cruz conforme
con que lo
acepte y que procederia
bien y filemte Segun
Don Ricardo de Riotord
And Diego Ortiz who
Were informed of their
Naming before everyone
According to the previous act
As was
Don Isac Fastio of his naming
As interpreter of French
Into Spanish and
Swore by God our lord
And a cross conforming to the law
That they accept and will proceed
Well and loyally with all their
And Diego Ortiz who
Were informed of their
Naming before everyone
According to the previous act
As was
Don Isac Fastio of his naming
As interpreter of French
Into Spanish and
Swore by God our lord
And a cross conforming to the law
That they accept and will proceed
Well and loyally with all their
Previous document:
Leblanc Dispatches Troops, Calls for Trial Proceedings (July 9, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Jorge Olivo (July 9, 1791)