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affaire, il a répondu que non et qu'il n'en a jamais entendu parler qu'au [seul] Guillaume, et qu'il n'en a point parlé a son maître ayant peur du dit Guillaume.

a déclaré n'avoir plus rien a dire qu'il ignore son age, mais il parrait avoir vingt-deux ans, après avoir entendu lire sa déclaration, il a dit être très conforme & déclarant ne savoir signeé l'avons fait avec l'assesseur avec les témoins d'assistance de tout quoi donnons foy: Signé
Duparc Vahamonde Serrano JB Beauvau J Jarreau P Hubert"
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affair, he replied that no and that he had never heard it talked about except from Guillaume, and that he had not spoken to his master having been afraid of the said Guillaume.

He has declared to not have anything else to say that he does not know his age, but he seems to be twenty-two years old, after having heard his declaration read, he has said it is very consistent and declaring to not know how to sign we have done it with the assessor with the attending witnesses of all which we attest. Signed
Duparc Vahamonde Serrano JB Beauvais J Jarreau P Hubert"
