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"Declaration d'Angelique de Veuve Décout
Consécutivement avons fait comparraître la nommée Angelique esclave a Veuve Décout, demandait à parler au sujet du complot fait par les esclaves de ce district, et apres lui avoir fait faire son serment par Dieu et la Ste Croix de dire la verité sur ce qu'elle avait à dire elle a dit que
étant marrons et réfugees dans le camp du Sr Poédras dans la cabane du nomme [Cupudon] elle avait entendu dire au nommé Charles, l'Eveillé, & François Poulard, qu'ils étaient tous libres, mais que les François ne voulaient pas leur donnent leur liberte, mais qu'ils allaient"
"Declaration of Angelique of Widow Decout
Next we have made appear the woman called Angelique slave of Widow Decout, she asked to speak about the conspiracy made by the slaves of this district, and after having made her make her oath to God and the Holy Cross to say the truth about that which she had to say she said that
There were maroons and refugees in the camp of Sr Poédras in the cabin of man called [Cupudon], she had heard talk from the men named Charles, l'Eveillé, and Francois Pouland, that they were all free, but that the French did not want to give them their freedom, but that they were going to"
