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"Declaration de Roquemborg

comparraître le Sr Roquemborg tailleur, et apres lui avons fait faire son serment par Dieu et la Ste Croix de dire la vérité sur les cites il a dit que la cite de Jean Baptiste est fausse qu'au contraire il y a de six à sept mois que le Sr Boyaval lui avait dit qu'il avait vu affiché a la porte de l'Eglise de la Capitale un ordre du Roy qui [affranchissait] les négres, et que le déclarant avait dit au Sr Boyaval de ne point en parler, parce que le dit déclarant ne le croyait pas, il répond.
Intérogé sur la cite de Grand Joseph négre esclave du Sr Colin Lacour et apres avons lue les deux cites, il dit qu'elle est fausse et"
"Declaration of Roquemborg

appear the Sr. Roquemborg the tailer, and after having made him make his oath to God and the Holy Cross to say the truth about the statements he said that the statement of Jean Baptiste is false and that on the contrary it was six to seven months ago that the Sr. Boyaval had told him that he had seen posted on the door of the Church of the Capital an order of the King which [enfranchised] the negros, and that the declarant had said to Sr. Boyaval to not say anything, because the said declarant did not [believe] it, he replies.
Asked about the statement of Grand Joseph negrol slave of Sr. Colin Lacour, and after we had read the two statements, he says that it is false and"
