"Il y a environ deux mois qu'étant [arrivé] avec Mr. Duparc commandant qui était aux Avoyelles Antoine Sarrasin lui demanda [s'il] n'avait point entendu parler de quelques choses au dit Sieur Commandant, à quoi il lui répondit que non, que Sarrasin lui avait [reparle] que le commandant avait reçu l'ordre de publier leur liberté que si il ne leur donnait pas il fallait faire quelques choses, que Jean Baptiste commandeur lui disant qu'ils fallait tuer les blancs, et si [faire] habitant et qu'en même temps il a parlé au déclarant pour entrer dans le"
"Around two months ago there arrived with Mr. Duparc the commandant who was at Ayovelles Antoine Sarrasin, who asked him if he had not heard talk of some things from the said Sr. Commandant, to which he replied non, that Sarrasin had replied to him that the commandant had received the order to publicize their liberty that if he did not give it to them it would be necessary to do some things, that commander Jean Baptiste had said to him that they must kill the whites, and if [sic], and that at the same time he said to the declarant to get him to enter the"
Previous document:
Declaration of (Grand) Charles [Poydras] (May 12, 1795)