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civida: Agreguese a los Autos y de su
materia para que conste. Y respecto que
por haver fallecido Lartique Ledoux no pue
de verificarse la diligencia de tomarle su decla
racion y que Domingo Seizn se halla im
posibilizado de comparecen en esta Ciudad por
la Enfermedad que padece, segun informa el
Comandante del Puesto de Punta Cortada; Li
brese despacho a D.n Francisco Rivas, que
por su ausencia esta encargado de la admi
nistracion de Justicia para que haga que el
dicho Domingo Seizan declare con juramento
si se hallo presente a algunas de las declara
ciones que se tomaron en dicho Puesto por D.n
Valentin Leblanc a los Negros que se consi
deraron Reos de ls sublevacion que se supo
nia averse proyectado por estos contra los Blan
cos: que exprese el testigo a quales de ellos con
currio individualisando por su nombre a Ca
da Negro declarante: Si les oyo decir que
era cierto haverse intentado la tal subleva
cion: y si confesaron averse comprehendi
do en ella: Y que otras personas vieron que
se hallaron presentes y asistieron a las re
feridas declaraciones. y evaquada esta di
received: Add to the Proceedings and its
materials so that it is documented there. And given
that Lartique Ledoux has passed away the act
of taking his declaration cannot be confirmed
and that Domingo Seizn finds himself
unable to appear in this City because of
the Illness that he is suffering from, as the
Commander of the Post of Punta Cortada informs us; Let
a dispatch be sent to Don Francisco Rivas, who
because of his absence is in charge of the
administration of Justice so that he compel
the said Doming Seizan to declare under oath
if he was present at any of the declarations
which were taken on the said Post by Don
Valentin Leblanc from the Blacks who were considered
Criminals about the uprising that is supposed
to have been planned by them against the Whites:
that the witness should say which of these he attended
specifying by his name Each
Black declarant: If he heard them say that
it was true they had intended such an uprising:
and if they confessed having been involved
in it: And which other people were seen to
be present and attended the said
declarations. and once this hearing
