segundo de la Esquadra
de Galeras, el primero
se hallabla sumamente
enfermo y el segundo ha
bia fallecido, por cuyo
motivo, y el de llenar las
ordenes de V.S. en punto
a entregar el mando y
presentarme en esta
no me han dado motivo
sino para lo que tengo
expuesto a V.S. a quien
con la mayor reverencia
hago presente lo acaeci
de Galeras, el primero
se hallabla sumamente
enfermo y el segundo ha
bia fallecido, por cuyo
motivo, y el de llenar las
ordenes de V.S. en punto
a entregar el mando y
presentarme en esta
no me han dado motivo
sino para lo que tengo
expuesto a V.S. a quien
con la mayor reverencia
hago presente lo acaeci
command of the Galley
Squadron, the first
was extremely
sick and the second
had passed away, for which
motive, and that of fulfilling
your Honor’s orders just about
to take command and
present myself for that office
they have given me no reason
except that which I have
told your Honor to whom
with the greatest reverence
I make known what happened
Squadron, the first
was extremely
sick and the second
had passed away, for which
motive, and that of fulfilling
your Honor’s orders just about
to take command and
present myself for that office
they have given me no reason
except that which I have
told your Honor to whom
with the greatest reverence
I make known what happened
Previous document:
Declaration of Joseph Decuir (January 20, 1793)
Next document:
Duparc's Report Is Added To Official Record (March 11, 1793)