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terado su Sria de ambas declaraciones les recivio jura
mento por antemi el Es.no q.e lo hicieron por Dios y la
Cruz segun dro y haviendoles leido Su Señoria tradu
cidas al frances sus respectivas declaraciones y
preguntadoles si estaban conformes a lo que havi
an expuesto, dixeron ambos que si, y que todo lo
que su Señoria les acababa de leer era la verdad y
lo mismo que declaron ante el S.or Theniente gov.or en lo que se
ratificaban, pidiendo perdon a su Señoria de la
falta, que por su ignorancia havian cometido; los
mismo que verifico su Señoria en este dia con el sol
dado Diego Ortiz por lo que ha expuesto este en su
declaracion antecedente; por ser los tres referidos los
principales de la actuacion, como tgos de asistencia
e Ynterprete en ella: Y cumpliendo con lo que se previene
en el decreto antecedente pongo la presente en la Ciudad de la
N.a Orleans a veinte y dos de Diciembre de mil Sett.s No
venta y dos anos = entre renglones = Theniente = vale
Pedro Pedesclaux
Es.no pub.co
with his Honor informed of both declarations he received the
oaths before me the Scribe which they gave by God and the
Cross according to law and with His Honor having read them their
respective translations translated into French and
asked them if they were in agreement with what they had
said, both said that yes, and that all that
his Honor had just read them was the truth and
the same as what they declared before the Señor Lieutenant governor which they
confirmed, asking for forgiveness from his Honor of the
error, that out of ignorance they had committed; the
same that his Honor verified on this day with the
solder Diego Ortiz by what he had said in his
declaration above; that these three were the
main actors in the proceeding, as attesting witness
and Interpreter in it: And fulfilling what was anticipated
in the previous decree I present it in the City of
New Orleans on the twenty second of December of Seventeen
Ninety two= between lines = Theniente = is valid
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
