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En la Ciudad de la Nueva Orleans
a veinte de Dre de mil setecientos
noventa y dos años ante mi el
escrivano y tgos infrascritos, parecio
D.n Manuel Monsanto de este vecindario
y comercio a quien doy fee conozco
y dixo. Que por decreto proveido por
el S.r Governador e Intendente gral
de esta Prov.a se permite a D.n Isaac
Fastio a que pueda regresarse al
Puesto de Punta Cortada de donde
es Becino mediante a que de la
fianza correspondiente se presen
tarse siempre que se le mande en
esta Capital a donde bajó por orden
de dho Señor Gobernador, y esta
detenido en ella por la misma orden
por lo que otorga por la presente
In the City of New Orleans
on the twentieth of December seventeen
ninety two before me the
scribe and witnesses written below, appeared
Don Manuel Monsanto of this neighborhood
and business who I attest I know
and he said. That by the decree ordered by
the Señor Governor and general Intendant
of this Province Don Isaac Fastio was
permitted to return to the
Post of Punta Cortado where he
is a Neighbor given that with the
corresponding bail he present
himself whenever he is ordered to
this Capital where he came by order
of said Señor Governor, and he is
detained here by the same order
therefore he consents hereby
