que haciendo de causa ajena suya pro
pia se constituye fiador liso, llano, y
habonado del mencionado D.n Isaac Fastio
y se obliga a presentar a este en este tri
bunal siempre que se le mande y
que sino lo berificare a pagar la pena
pecuniaria que se le impusiere a lo
que quiere ser compelido por todo Vigor
de Justicia y al cumplimento de ello
obliga su_______y bienes havidos
y por haver y renuncia las leyes
fueros y previlegios de su favor con la
gral que lo prohive en fe de lo que
lo firmo siendo tgos D. Juan Josef
Duforest, D.n Antonio Fromantin y
Miguel de S.n Juan Gomes vecinos y
presentes =
M.l Monsanto
Pedro Pedesclaux
pia se constituye fiador liso, llano, y
habonado del mencionado D.n Isaac Fastio
y se obliga a presentar a este en este tri
bunal siempre que se le mande y
que sino lo berificare a pagar la pena
pecuniaria que se le impusiere a lo
que quiere ser compelido por todo Vigor
de Justicia y al cumplimento de ello
obliga su_______y bienes havidos
y por haver y renuncia las leyes
fueros y previlegios de su favor con la
gral que lo prohive en fe de lo que
lo firmo siendo tgos D. Juan Josef
Duforest, D.n Antonio Fromantin y
Miguel de S.n Juan Gomes vecinos y
presentes =
M.l Monsanto
Pedro Pedesclaux
that making another’s cause his own
he establishes himself as guarantor subject to no
exemptions or privileges for the said Don Isaac Fastio
and he is required to present the latter in this court
whenever it is ordered and
that if not he agrees to pay the monetary
penalty which would be imposed which
would be compelled by all the Force
of Justice and to the fulfillment of which
he pledges his ______ and current and future
assets and renounces the laws
jurisdictions and privileges of his favor with the
general law which prohibits it which he attested
signing with the witnesses Don Juan Josef
Duforest, Don Antonio Fromantin and
Miguel de San Juan Gomes neighbors and
here present=
Miguel Monsanto
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
he establishes himself as guarantor subject to no
exemptions or privileges for the said Don Isaac Fastio
and he is required to present the latter in this court
whenever it is ordered and
that if not he agrees to pay the monetary
penalty which would be imposed which
would be compelled by all the Force
of Justice and to the fulfillment of which
he pledges his ______ and current and future
assets and renounces the laws
jurisdictions and privileges of his favor with the
general law which prohibits it which he attested
signing with the witnesses Don Juan Josef
Duforest, Don Antonio Fromantin and
Miguel de San Juan Gomes neighbors and
here present=
Miguel Monsanto
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Previous document:
Fastio Notified of His Release (December 20, 1792)