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decir que es la verdad en cargo del juramento
que han prestado, en que se afirmaron, y rati
ficaron leida que les fue por medio de
los precitados Ynterpretes expresando estar
conforme han expuesto que son de la edad
que tienen declarada, y no firmo el mulato
Carlos por no saber, hizolo su Mrd dicho
Señor Theniente Gobernador, con Croiset
e Ynterpretes de que doy fee = enmenda
do = O = vale
Vidal Croiset
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Pedro Pedesclaux
Es.no pub.co
saying that it is the truth under the oath
they had given, which they confirmed, and verified
as read to them by way of the
named Interpreters saying it was
in agreement with what they had said and they were the age
they had declared, and the mulatto Carlos
did not sign because he did not know how, his Honor said
Señor Lieutenant Governor did sign, with Croiset
and the Interpreters which I attest= the correction
= O = is valid
Vidal Croiset
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
