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que expresa, sobre que contesto Croiset que si no
se lo hiviera dicho no era posible que el lo expusie
ra faltando a la verdad; y haviendose reconveni
do mutuamente le hizo presente el mulato Carlos
a Croiset que desde luego estar equivocado este
pues aunque se encontraron en el Camino quando
Carlos conducia al Negro Hata, se detuvo Croiset
a hablar con un mulato llamado Lamber escla
vo de la Viuda Bourgat y el dicho Carlos siguio su
camino: lo que le contradixo Croiset quien añadio
en este acto que el no haverlo expuesto en la de
claracion que acaba de dar y en la que se le to
mo por mi el Escribano fue por no haver hecho
aprecio de ello, y que si se lo refirio al Comandante
D.n Valentin Leblanc fue por conversacion,
y muchos dias despues que fueron presos los Negros
con lo qual se concluyo esta diligencia, mante
niendose cada uno de los declarantes respec
tivamente en lo que han expuesto, por
he has said, to which Croiset answered that if he had not
said it it was not possible that he himself would
say it without it being true; and having mutually
disagreed the mulatto Carlos made known to
Croiset that of course the latter was mistaken
because although they met on the Road when
Carlos was leading the Black Hata, Croiset stopped
to speak with a mulatto called Lamber slave
of the Widow Bourgat and the said Carlos continued on his
way: which Croiset contradicted adding
in this hearing that he had not said it in the
declaration he had just given and in that which was taken
by me the Scribe it was because he had not thought
much of it, and that if he mentioned it to the Commander
Don Valentin Leblanc it was in conversation,
and many days after the Blacks were taken prisoner
with which this hearing concluded, with each
of the declarants maintaining what they had
said respectively, by
