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alias Carlos de D.n Niclas Lacour a efecto de
averiguar la verdad sobre la asercion del pri-
mero y negativa del segundo en sus respec
tivas declaraciones por lo respectivo al pasa
ge del Negro Hata, hizo comparecer a los dos
a su presencia a quienes por medio de los
referidos Ynterpretes, y por ante mi el Es
crivano recivio juramento que lo hicieron
separadamente por Dios Nuestro Señor y
una Señal de cruz conforme a dro bajo el que
ofrecieron decir verdad en lo que fueren pre
guntados y siendolo el mulato Chayo, o Carlos
sobre lo que ha declardo D.n Simon Croiset
haverle comunicado a este de que el Negro
Hata le havia confesado que los Negros
Minas le havian propuesto levantarse con
tra los blancos y que el no havia consentido
lo qual es opuesto a lo que el mismo Carlos
ha aseguarado en su declaracion? dixo: que
no le dixo a D.n Simon Croiset nada de lo
mulatto Chayo-alias Carlos with the goal of
verifying the truth about the assertion of the former
and the denial of the latter in their respective
declarations as regards the passage
about the Black Hata, he made the two
appear in his presence to whom through the
said Interpreters, and before me the Scribe
he administered the oath that they gave
separately by God Our Lord and
a Symbol of the cross according to law under which
they promised to tell the truth as they were
asked and the mulatto Chayo, or Carlos being asked
about what Don Simon Croiset declared
he had communicated to him that the Black
Hata had confessed to him that the Minas
Blacks had proposed to revolt against
the whites and that he had not consented
which is opposed to what the same Carlos
had claimed in his declaration? he said: that
he did not tell Don Simon Croiset anything that
