Rivera pero que no oyo que se tratase de
semejante sublevacion y responde-----
Preguntado si se acuerda haver heco
una declaracion ante el presente Escribano
en el Puesto de Punta Cortada? dixo: Que si
y responde----
Preguntado, si es la misma que se le
ha leido en este acto, y si es cierto su conteni
do? dixo: Que es la misma que hizo entonces
el declarante, y cierto su contenido y responde
Y que lo que ha dicho y declarado es la verdad en
Cargo del Juramento que ha prestado en que se
afirmo y ratifico leida que le fue esta su decla-
racion por medio de dichos Ynterpetes, expre
sando estar conforme, que es de edad de veinte
y cinco a veinte y seis años, y no firmo por no
saber, hizolo su Mrd con los Ynterpretes de que doy fee
Vidal Juan Josef Duforest
Daniel Mortimer
Ante mi
Pedro Pedesclaux
semejante sublevacion y responde-----
Preguntado si se acuerda haver heco
una declaracion ante el presente Escribano
en el Puesto de Punta Cortada? dixo: Que si
y responde----
Preguntado, si es la misma que se le
ha leido en este acto, y si es cierto su conteni
do? dixo: Que es la misma que hizo entonces
el declarante, y cierto su contenido y responde
Y que lo que ha dicho y declarado es la verdad en
Cargo del Juramento que ha prestado en que se
afirmo y ratifico leida que le fue esta su decla-
racion por medio de dichos Ynterpetes, expre
sando estar conforme, que es de edad de veinte
y cinco a veinte y seis años, y no firmo por no
saber, hizolo su Mrd con los Ynterpretes de que doy fee
Vidal Juan Josef Duforest
Daniel Mortimer
Ante mi
Pedro Pedesclaux
Rivera but that he did not hear anything about
such an uprising and he responds--
Asked if he remembers having made
a declaration before the present Scribe
on the Post of Punta Cortada? he said: Yes
and he responds--
Asked, if it is the same that has been
read to him in this hearing, and if its contents are
true? he said: That it is the same that the declarant made
at that time, and its contents are true and he responds
And that what he said and declared is true Under
the Oath that he has given which he
confirmed and ratified this declaration as read to him
by way of the said Interpreters, saying it was
in agreement, that he is twenty
five or twenty six years old, and he did not sign because
he did not know how, his Honor with the Interpreters did so which I attest
Vidal Juan Josef Duforest
Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
such an uprising and he responds--
Asked if he remembers having made
a declaration before the present Scribe
on the Post of Punta Cortada? he said: Yes
and he responds--
Asked, if it is the same that has been
read to him in this hearing, and if its contents are
true? he said: That it is the same that the declarant made
at that time, and its contents are true and he responds
And that what he said and declared is true Under
the Oath that he has given which he
confirmed and ratified this declaration as read to him
by way of the said Interpreters, saying it was
in agreement, that he is twenty
five or twenty six years old, and he did not sign because
he did not know how, his Honor with the Interpreters did so which I attest
Vidal Juan Josef Duforest
Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Previous document:
Secretary Informed of Recent Decree (December 9, 1792)
Next document:
Declaration of Simon Croiset (December 9, 1792)
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