ofrecio decir verdad en lo que supiere y fuere
preguntado; y siendolo si algunos de los Negros de la
nacion Mina del Puesto de Punta Cortada, y falsa
Rivera que se hallan presos en esta Ciudad les
ha oido hablar de la sublevacion que se les atri
buye haver intentado contra los blancos; expre
se a quiens, quando, y lo que hiviese aconte
cido en el particular? dixo: Que no les ha oido na
da a dichos Negros sobre el contenido de la pre
gunta, y responde----
Preguntado si el declarante le ha dicho
a D.n Simon Croiset que el Negro Hata en
ocasion que el declarante lo conducia preso
le confeso quanto havian proyectado hazer
los Negros Minas contra los blancos? dixo: Que
no ha dicho tal cosa a D.n Simon Croiset y que
aunque el declarante en ocasion que llevaba
preso al citado Negro Hata le hizo varias
preguntas sobre el asunto, este le contesto sola
mente que havia ido al baile a la falsa
preguntado; y siendolo si algunos de los Negros de la
nacion Mina del Puesto de Punta Cortada, y falsa
Rivera que se hallan presos en esta Ciudad les
ha oido hablar de la sublevacion que se les atri
buye haver intentado contra los blancos; expre
se a quiens, quando, y lo que hiviese aconte
cido en el particular? dixo: Que no les ha oido na
da a dichos Negros sobre el contenido de la pre
gunta, y responde----
Preguntado si el declarante le ha dicho
a D.n Simon Croiset que el Negro Hata en
ocasion que el declarante lo conducia preso
le confeso quanto havian proyectado hazer
los Negros Minas contra los blancos? dixo: Que
no ha dicho tal cosa a D.n Simon Croiset y que
aunque el declarante en ocasion que llevaba
preso al citado Negro Hata le hizo varias
preguntas sobre el asunto, este le contesto sola
mente que havia ido al baile a la falsa
he promised to tell the truth as he knew it and was
asked; and being asked if he had heard some of the Blacks of the
Mina nation of the Post of Punta Cortada, and falsa
Rivera who are prisoners in this City
speak of the uprising that they are accused
of having attempted against the whites; to say
whom, when, and what had happened
in particular? he said: That he had not heard anything
from the said Blacks about the contents of the question,
and he responds--
Asked if the declarant had said
to Don Simon Croiset that the Black Hata on
the occasion that the declarant captured him
confessed to him what the Minas Blacks had planned
to do against the whites? he said: That
he had said no such thing to Don Simon Croiset and that
although the declarant on the occasion that he detained
the said Black Hata asked him several
questions about the matter, he only answered
that he had gone to the dance in falsa
asked; and being asked if he had heard some of the Blacks of the
Mina nation of the Post of Punta Cortada, and falsa
Rivera who are prisoners in this City
speak of the uprising that they are accused
of having attempted against the whites; to say
whom, when, and what had happened
in particular? he said: That he had not heard anything
from the said Blacks about the contents of the question,
and he responds--
Asked if the declarant had said
to Don Simon Croiset that the Black Hata on
the occasion that the declarant captured him
confessed to him what the Minas Blacks had planned
to do against the whites? he said: That
he had said no such thing to Don Simon Croiset and that
although the declarant on the occasion that he detained
the said Black Hata asked him several
questions about the matter, he only answered
that he had gone to the dance in falsa
Previous document:
Secretary Informed of Recent Decree (December 9, 1792)
Next document:
Declaration of Simon Croiset (December 9, 1792)