las diligencias de esta Causa; se subroga en
su lugar a D.n Antonio Argote a quien se
hara saver para su aceptacion y jura-
mento que se comete; previeniendole que
aya de concurrir en este dia y en los demas
que al dicho Mortimer le impidan hacerlo
las ocupaciones de su destino==
Proveyolo el Senor Baron de Carondelet
Cavaller de la Relgion de San Juan co
ronel de los R.s Extos Governador Ynten
diente general y vice patrono de R.l de las
provincias de la Luisiana y Florida oc
cidental e Ynspector de las tropas Vete-
ranas y milicias de ellas por S.M. y
con acuerdo y dictamen del Señor D.n
D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal Theniente
Gobernador y Auditor de Guerra de esta
Provincia y Asesor general del Go
bierno de ella, que lo rubricaron en
su lugar a D.n Antonio Argote a quien se
hara saver para su aceptacion y jura-
mento que se comete; previeniendole que
aya de concurrir en este dia y en los demas
que al dicho Mortimer le impidan hacerlo
las ocupaciones de su destino==
Proveyolo el Senor Baron de Carondelet
Cavaller de la Relgion de San Juan co
ronel de los R.s Extos Governador Ynten
diente general y vice patrono de R.l de las
provincias de la Luisiana y Florida oc
cidental e Ynspector de las tropas Vete-
ranas y milicias de ellas por S.M. y
con acuerdo y dictamen del Señor D.n
D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal Theniente
Gobernador y Auditor de Guerra de esta
Provincia y Asesor general del Go
bierno de ella, que lo rubricaron en
the hearings of this Case being found employed; in his
place is substituted Don Antonio Argote who will be
informed so that his acceptance and oath
be made; advising him that
he must attend on this day and the rest
on which the said Mortimer’s business
prevents him from so doing==
Ordered by the Señor Baron de Carondelet
Knight of the Religion of San Juan
colonel of the Royal Armies Governor
general Intendant and Royal vice patron of the
provinces of Louisiana and western
Florida and Inspector of their Veteran troops
and militias for His Majesty and
with agreement and judgement of Señor Don
Don Nicolas Maria Vidal Lieutenant
Governor and Judge-Advocate of this
Province and general Advisor to its
Government, who signed it in
place is substituted Don Antonio Argote who will be
informed so that his acceptance and oath
be made; advising him that
he must attend on this day and the rest
on which the said Mortimer’s business
prevents him from so doing==
Ordered by the Señor Baron de Carondelet
Knight of the Religion of San Juan
colonel of the Royal Armies Governor
general Intendant and Royal vice patron of the
provinces of Louisiana and western
Florida and Inspector of their Veteran troops
and militias for His Majesty and
with agreement and judgement of Señor Don
Don Nicolas Maria Vidal Lieutenant
Governor and Judge-Advocate of this
Province and general Advisor to its
Government, who signed it in
Previous document:
Notification of Juan Bautista Cupidon (November 24, 1792)
Next document:
Notification of Antonio Argote (November 26, 1792)