Original Image
Respecto que Diego Ortiz no ha llegado
a esta Ciudad y que la Carta se aviso de
su venida la dirigio desde el camino re
gresandose al Puesto de Punta Cortada
Excrivasele Carta el comisionado por el pre
sente Escrivano, para que informe el motivo
de esta novedad; y qu si no fuere grave,
y urgente, le obligue a comparecer como
esta mandado. Y mediante que se hallan
aqui D.n Ricard De Rieutord, y D.n Ysaak
Fastio, notifiqueseles que a las nueve de
la mañana del lunes veinte y seis del
corriente mes se presenten ante el Señor
Theniente Governador y Auditor de Guerra
a quien por las muchas y graves ocupaciones
del Govierno se comisiona en devida forma
a que tome sus declaraciones a los
Given that Diego Ortiz has not arrived
at this City and that he wrote the Letter that warned of
his arrival from the road going back to the Post of Punta Cortada
Let a Letter be written to the commissioned agent by the present
Scribe, so that he explains the reason
for this occurrence; and if it not be serious,
and urgent, that he compel him to appear as
he is ordered. And while
Don Ricard De Rieutord, and Don Ysakk
Fastio are here, let them be notified that at nine in
the morning on Monday the twenty sixth of the
current month they should present themselves before the Señor
Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate
who because of the many and important duties
of the Government is commissioned in due course
to take from the aforementioned subjects
