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referidos sugetos, y demas que me
viene enviado para este efecto el
mismo comisionado conforme a las
Ynstrucciones que se le han comuni-
cado. Y practiquense las prevenidas di-
ligencias con asistencia de los Ynter
pretes nombrados en esta Causa.=

Proveyolo el S.r Baron de Carondelet
Caballero de la religion de San Juan
Coronel de los R. extos Governador
e Yntendente gral. vice Patrono real
de las Prov.s de la Luisiana y Florida
occidental el Inspector de las tropas veterans
y Milicias de ellas por S.M. con dictamen
del Sr. Dr. D.n Niclas Maria Vidal teniente
Governador y Auditor de Grra de esta
dha Prov.a y Asesor gral del Gov.no de ella
por S.M. y lo rubricaron en la Ciudad
de la Nueba Orleans a veinte y quatro
de Nobre. de mil setecientos noventa
y dos años.
Pedro pedesclaux
Es.no publ.co
their declarations, and the rest sent to me
by this same commissioned agent to this
effect according to the
Instructions that have been given to him.
And let the planned hearings take place
with the assistance of the named
Interpreters in this case.=

Ordered by the Señor Baron de Carondelet
Knight of the religion of San Juan
Colonel of the Royal armies Governor
and general Intendant royal vice Patron
of the Provinces of Louisiana and western
Florida and Inspector of their veteran
troops and Militias for his Majesty with the judgement
of Señor Doctor Don Nicolas Maria Vidal lieutenant
Governor and Judge-Advocate of this
said Province and general Advisor to its Government
for His Majesty and they signed it in the City
of New Orleans on the twenty fourth
of November seventeen ninety
Pedro pedesclaux
Notary Public
