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Estandose a los dos ultimos por el presente Escrivano en el
dia y hora que se le previniere para que comparesca a
dar sus declaraciones sobre las particulares que convenga
interrogarles en la misma conformidad que se ha hecho
con los antecedentes. Y contestese a D.n Joseph Vasques
Vahamonde qu el mulato, que debe embier D. Colin La-
cour, es el nombrado Carlos segun las noticias que se han
Proveyolo el S.r Baron de Carondelet ca
ballero de la Relixion de S.n Juan, coronel
de los R.s extos. Governador e Intendente
gral. vice Patrono real de las Prov.~ de la
Luisiana y Florida occidental e Inspector
de las tropas veteranas y milicias de ellas
por S.M. con dictamen del Sr. D. Don Nicolas
Maria Vidal, teniente Governador
Auditor de Grra. de esta dha Prov.a
Asesor gral de Gov.no de ella por S.M. y lo
rubricaron en la Nueba Orleans a quinze
de nobre. de mil setecientos, nov.ta y dos años
Pedro Pedesclaux
Es.no Publc.
The latter two being informed by the present Scribe of the
day and time that are planned so that they appear to
given their declarations about the matters that may be deemed appropriate
to ask them in the same way that has been done
with the previous testifiers. And let Don Joseph Vasques
Vahamonde be answered that the mulatto, that Don Colin Lacour
must send, is the one named Carlos according to the news that has been
Ordered by the Señor Baron de Carondelet knight
of the Religion of San Juan, colonel
of the Royal armies Governor and general
Intendant, royal vice Patron of the Provinces of
Louisiana and western Florida and Inspector
of their veteran troops and militias
for His Majesty with the judgement of Señor Doctor Don Nicolas
Maria Vidal, lieutenant Governor
Judge-Advocate of this said Province
general Advisor of its Government for his Majesty and
they signed it in New Orleans on the fifteenth
of November seventeen, ninety two
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
