En el mismo dia mes y año y ele
estando en la Ssecretaria de este Govierno
hice saber (en la parte que le toca) el
decreto que antecede a D.n Andres Lopez
de Armesto secretario de ella por S.M.
quien dijo quedar enterado de q.e doy fee=
Pedro Pedesclaux
estando en la Ssecretaria de este Govierno
hice saber (en la parte que le toca) el
decreto que antecede a D.n Andres Lopez
de Armesto secretario de ella por S.M.
quien dijo quedar enterado de q.e doy fee=
Pedro Pedesclaux
On the same day month and year and the Scribe
being in the office of the Secretary of this Government
I made known (as it relates to him) the
above decree to the secretary for his Majesty
Don Andres Lopez de Armesto
who said he was informed which I attest=
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
being in the office of the Secretary of this Government
I made known (as it relates to him) the
above decree to the secretary for his Majesty
Don Andres Lopez de Armesto
who said he was informed which I attest=
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Previous document:
Carondelet Orders Croiset, Poydas, and Ortiz to Remain in New Orleans (November 15, 1792)
Next document:
Notification of Simon Croiset (December 15, 1792)