Reconvenido porque niega aora lo que
declaro ante el Comandante de Punta Cor-
tada siendo regular que este lo huviera
examinado por medio del Negro Mina
Rigodon, deviendose juzgar entonces mas
torpe que aora en el idioma frances, y que
no se pondria otra cosa sino lo mismo
que havia dicho, pues estaban presentes
D.n Fernando Rodriguez, D.n y
D.n Augustin Allain, D.n Simon Croiset, D.n
Alejandro Leblanc y otros blancos? dixo;
que no huvo tal Ynterprete, y que aunque
es cierto que estuvo D.n Fernando Rodri-
guez quien escribia, no huvo otra per-
sona que su amo, que nada se le leyo
y que por no saber entonces el frances
se pondria otra cosa de la que dixo, y
declaro ante el Comandante de Punta Cor-
tada siendo regular que este lo huviera
examinado por medio del Negro Mina
Rigodon, deviendose juzgar entonces mas
torpe que aora en el idioma frances, y que
no se pondria otra cosa sino lo mismo
que havia dicho, pues estaban presentes
D.n Fernando Rodriguez, D.n y
D.n Augustin Allain, D.n Simon Croiset, D.n
Alejandro Leblanc y otros blancos? dixo;
que no huvo tal Ynterprete, y que aunque
es cierto que estuvo D.n Fernando Rodri-
guez quien escribia, no huvo otra per-
sona que su amo, que nada se le leyo
y que por no saber entonces el frances
se pondria otra cosa de la que dixo, y
Confronted with this why does he now deny what he
declared before the Commander of Punta Cortada
being normal that he was
examined through the Mina Black
Rigodon, having been judged then more
stupid than now in the French language, and that
they would not have put anything other than what
he had said, since Don Fernando Rodriguez, Don Francisco and
Don Agustin Allain, Don Simon Croiset, Don
Alejandro Leblanc and other whites were present? he said;
that there was no such Interpreter, and that although
it is true that Don Fernando Rodriguez, who wrote,
was there, there was no one else
but his master, that nothing was read to him
and that it was because he did not then know French
that something other than what he said was put down, and
he responds
declared before the Commander of Punta Cortada
being normal that he was
examined through the Mina Black
Rigodon, having been judged then more
stupid than now in the French language, and that
they would not have put anything other than what
he had said, since Don Fernando Rodriguez, Don Francisco and
Don Agustin Allain, Don Simon Croiset, Don
Alejandro Leblanc and other whites were present? he said;
that there was no such Interpreter, and that although
it is true that Don Fernando Rodriguez, who wrote,
was there, there was no one else
but his master, that nothing was read to him
and that it was because he did not then know French
that something other than what he said was put down, and
he responds