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conformandose Reo y testigo se concluyo esta
diligencia en cuyo contenido se afirmaron
y ratificaron leida que les fue al dicho Rodri-
guez por mi el Escrivano, y al Negro por
medio de los quatro referidos quatro Ynter-
pretes expresando estar conforme, y ser
verdad en cargo del juramento que han
prestado que son de la edad que tiene de-
clarada, y firmo dicho Rodriguez con su
Señoria, el Asesor, e Ynterpretes franceses,
lo que no hicieron el Reo, y los Ynterpretes
Minas por no saber de que doy fee = en
mendado = la = V = entre veng.c = r = valen
El Baron de Carondelet
Fernando Rodriguez Lic.do Man.l Serrano
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Ante mi
Pedro Pedesclaux
Es.no pub.co
being in agreement the Prisoner and the witness this hearing
was concluded the contents of which were confirmed
and verified as read to the said Rodriguez
by me the Scribe, and to the Black through
the four said four Interpreters
saying that it was in agreement, and was true
under the oath that they had
given that they are of the age they
declared, and the said Rodriguez signed with his
Honor, the Advisor, and French Interpreters,
which the Prisoner, and the Minas Interpreters did not do
because they did not know how which I attest= the corrections
=la= V = entre veng.c = r = are valid
Baron de Carondelet
Fernando Rodriguez Licenciado Manuel Serrano
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
