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de la que contesta haver declarado ane el
Comandante de Punta Cortada, haviendo estado
presentes D.n Fernando Rodriguez, D.n Fran.co y
D.n Agustin Alain, D.n Simon Croiset, D.n Ale-
jandro Leblanc, otros blancos, y el Negro Ris-
godon de nacion Mina esclavo del mismo
Comandante? dixo: que aqui donde ha
venido a adelantarse en el frances porque esta
preso, que el comandante estaba presente, y D.n
Fernando Rodriguez quien le hacia las
preguntas y escribia, lo que no le fue leido, y
que no havia otra persona presente y res-
Reconvenido igualmente el referido D.n
Fernando Rodriguez con lo que ha dicho
el Negro Thomas? dixo que es falso lo que
ha expuesto este Negro, y que se refiere
a lo que tiene declarado en estos autos, y no
from what it is clear he declared before the
Commander of Punta Cortada, having been
present Don Fernando Rodriguez, Don Francisco and
Don Agustin Alain, Don Simon Croiset, Don
Alejandro Leblanc, other whites, and the Black
Risgodon of the Mina nation slave of the same
Commander? he said: that it is here that he has
come to improve his French because he is a
prisoner, that the commander was present, and Don
Fernando Rodriguez who asked him the
questions and wrote, which was not read to him, and
that there was no other person present and
he responds--
The aforementioned Don Fernando Rodriguez faced
in the same way with what the Black Thomas
has said? he said that what this Black has said is
false, and one is referred
to what is declared in these reports, and not
