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que no huvo tal Ynterprete, que havia algu-
nos blancos cuyos nombres ignora que no
vio al dicho D.n Fernando Rodriguez, sino al
tiempo de embarcar para bajar a esta
ciudad: que el Comandante excribia, y que
no le leyo su contenido ni le dejo hablar to-
do lo que queria y responde----
Reconvenido igualmente el referido D.n
Fernando Rodriguez con lo que ha dicho
el Negro Jaco? dixo que es falso lo que ha
expuesto el dicho Negro, y que se refiere
a lo que tiene declardo en estos autos y
no conformandose reo y tgo se concluyo
esta diligencia, en cuyo contenido se afir
maron y ratificaron ambos leida que
les fue al dicho Rodriguez por mi el Es.no
y al Negro Jaco por medio de los quatro
referidos Ynterpretes expresando estar
that there was no such Interpreter, that there were some
whites whose names he does not know that he did not
see the said Don Fernando Rodriguez, except at
the time of leaving to come down to this
city: that the Commander wrote, and that
he did not read the contents to him nor let him say
all that he wished and he responds--
The said Don Fernando Rodriguez also
confronted with what the Black Jaco
has said? said that what the aforementioned
Black has said is false, and that one is referred
to what he declared in these proceedings and
not being in agreement the prisoner and witness this hearing
was concluded, the contents of which both confirmed
and verified as read to the said Rodriguez by me the Scribe
and to the Black Jaco by way of the four
said Interpreters saying that it was
