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tados, y haviendo el dicho Rodriguez leido
al Negro desde la primera pregunta hass-
ta la ultima respuesta de la declaracion
dada ante el Comandante de Punta Corta-
da que comienza a foxas cinquenta y
tres, se reconocio estar torpe en la inteli-
gencia y explicacion del frances ciollo
ratificando lo que tiene confesado ante el
Señor Theniente Gobernador y Auditor de
Guerra y responde----
Reconvenido el Negro Jaco, como Niega
al presente lo que confeso ante el Comandan-
te, pues reconciendose torpe y entonces mu-
cho mas asistiria el Negro Risdgodon de
Nacion Mina para interpretarle como
dice D.n Fernando Rodrigues, quien tam-
bien se hallo presente con D.n Fran.co Y D.n
Agustin Alain, D.n Simon Croiset, D.n Ale
xandro Leblanc, y otros blancos? dixo:
and with the said Rodriguez having read
to the Black from the first question to
the last response of the declaration
given before the Commander of Punta Cortada
which begins on page fifty
three, he was found to be hopeless at the
understanding and speaking of creole French
verifying what he had confessed before the
Lieutenant Governor and Judge-
Advocate and he responds--
The Black Jaco, confronted with the fact that as he Denies
at the moment that which he confessed before the Commander,
since he was recognized to be hopeless and then much
more the Black Risdgodon of the
Mina Nation would assist to interpret as
Don Fernando Rodriques says, who
was also present along with Don Francisco and Don
Agustin Alain, Don Simon Croiset, Don
Alexandro Leblanc, and other whites? he said:
