Auditor de Guerra y responde----
Reconvenido el Negro Leveille como
entendiendo un poco el frances criollo dice
aora otra cosa distinta de la que consta
haver declarado ante el Comandante
de Punta Cortado, haviendo estado presentes
el dicho D.n Fernando, D.n, D.n Agus-
tin Alain, D.n Alexandor Leblanc D.n
Simon Croiset, otros blancos, y el Negro
Mina llamado Rigodon esclavo del Co-
mandante? dixo: Que desde un año que
esta arrestada en esta Ciudad se ha adelan-
tado un poco dicho Ydioma; que quando
el Comandante le tomo su declaracion no
havia otro presente que el mismo D.n
Fernando quien escribia, y que como no
oya lo que se le preguntaba no le leyeron
su declaracion y responde----
Reconvenido igualmente el referido
Reconvenido el Negro Leveille como
entendiendo un poco el frances criollo dice
aora otra cosa distinta de la que consta
haver declarado ante el Comandante
de Punta Cortado, haviendo estado presentes
el dicho D.n Fernando, D.n, D.n Agus-
tin Alain, D.n Alexandor Leblanc D.n
Simon Croiset, otros blancos, y el Negro
Mina llamado Rigodon esclavo del Co-
mandante? dixo: Que desde un año que
esta arrestada en esta Ciudad se ha adelan-
tado un poco dicho Ydioma; que quando
el Comandante le tomo su declaracion no
havia otro presente que el mismo D.n
Fernando quien escribia, y que como no
oya lo que se le preguntaba no le leyeron
su declaracion y responde----
Reconvenido igualmente el referido
Judge-Advocate and he responds--
The Black Leveille being confronted with the fact that as he
understands a little creole French he is saying
now something different than it is clear that
he declared before the Commander
of Punta Cortado, having been present
the said Don Fernando, Don Francisco, Don Augustin
Alain, Don Alexandro Leblanc Don
Simon Croiset, other whites, and the Mina
Black named Rigodon slave of the Commander?
he said: That in the year that
he has been detained in this City he has
improved a little in said Language: that when
the Commander took his declaration there was no
one present but the same Don
Fernando who was writing, and as he did not
hear what they were asking him they did not read him
his declaration and he responds--
The said Don Fernando Rodriguez also
The Black Leveille being confronted with the fact that as he
understands a little creole French he is saying
now something different than it is clear that
he declared before the Commander
of Punta Cortado, having been present
the said Don Fernando, Don Francisco, Don Augustin
Alain, Don Alexandro Leblanc Don
Simon Croiset, other whites, and the Mina
Black named Rigodon slave of the Commander?
he said: That in the year that
he has been detained in this City he has
improved a little in said Language: that when
the Commander took his declaration there was no
one present but the same Don
Fernando who was writing, and as he did not
hear what they were asking him they did not read him
his declaration and he responds--
The said Don Fernando Rodriguez also
Previous document:
Interrogation of Ata by Fernando Rodriguez (September 24, 1792)