Sala D.n Fernando Rodriguez mando Su Sria
comaparecer al Negro Leveille esclavo de la
Viuda Rovillard de quienes su Señoria re
civio juramento que los hicieron el dicho Ro
driguez por Dios y la Señal de cruz y el
citado Negro por medio de los Ynterpretes
por dios en cuya existencia cree bajo el
que ofrecieron decir verdad en lo que su-
pieren y fueren preguntados y haviendole
dho Rodriguez leido a Leveille desde la
primera pregunta hasta la ultima res-
puesta de la declaracion dada ante el Co-
mandante de Punta Cortada que comien
za a foxas sesenta y una vuelta, se
reconocio que entiende mui poco el idioma
frances criollo y se explica en el mismo
modo, ratificando le que tiene confesado
ante el Señor Theniente Gobernador y
comaparecer al Negro Leveille esclavo de la
Viuda Rovillard de quienes su Señoria re
civio juramento que los hicieron el dicho Ro
driguez por Dios y la Señal de cruz y el
citado Negro por medio de los Ynterpretes
por dios en cuya existencia cree bajo el
que ofrecieron decir verdad en lo que su-
pieren y fueren preguntados y haviendole
dho Rodriguez leido a Leveille desde la
primera pregunta hasta la ultima res-
puesta de la declaracion dada ante el Co-
mandante de Punta Cortada que comien
za a foxas sesenta y una vuelta, se
reconocio que entiende mui poco el idioma
frances criollo y se explica en el mismo
modo, ratificando le que tiene confesado
ante el Señor Theniente Gobernador y
in the Room His Honor ordered
the Black Leveille slave of
the Widow Rovillard to appear from whom his Honor
received the oath that the said Rodriquez
gave before God and the Sign of the cross and the
said Black by way of the Interpreters
by god in whose existence he believes under which
they agreed to tell the truth as they knew
it and were asked and the said
Rodrigues having read to Leveille from the
first question until the last response
of the declaration given before the
Commander of Punta Cortada which begins
on the back of page sixty one, it was understood
that he understands very little of the creole French
language and speaks in the same way;
confirming what he confessed
before the Lieutenant Governor and
the Black Leveille slave of
the Widow Rovillard to appear from whom his Honor
received the oath that the said Rodriquez
gave before God and the Sign of the cross and the
said Black by way of the Interpreters
by god in whose existence he believes under which
they agreed to tell the truth as they knew
it and were asked and the said
Rodrigues having read to Leveille from the
first question until the last response
of the declaration given before the
Commander of Punta Cortada which begins
on the back of page sixty one, it was understood
that he understands very little of the creole French
language and speaks in the same way;
confirming what he confessed
before the Lieutenant Governor and
Previous document:
Interrogation of Ata by Fernando Rodriguez (September 24, 1792)