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otros blancos y el Negro Rigodon de Nacion
Mina esclavo del mismo Comandante
se se hallaban con este otras por personas
que el dicho D.n Fernando Rodriguez y
D. Fran.co Alain, que tampoco estaba el
Negro Rigodon, y que a presencia del
declarante no se escribio pregunta algu
na, ni tampoco niguna de sus contes
taciones y responde----
Reconvenido iqualmente el referido D.n
Fernando Rodriguez con lo que ha dicho
el citado Negro Josef dixo: que es falso
lo que ha expuesto este Negro, y que se
refiere a lo que tiene declarado en estos
autos, y no conformandose el Reo y tgo
se concluyo esta diligencia que los fue
leida a Rodriguez y al negro por me-
other whites and the Black Rigodon of the Mina
Nation slave of the said Commander
that with him were only
the said Don Fernando Rodriguez and
Don Francisco Alain, that the Black Rigodon
was not there either, and that in the presence of the
declarant no question was written down, nor any of his
answers and he responds--
The said Don Fernando Rodriguez also
being confronted with what the said Black
Josef had said he said: that what this Black
had said is false, and that one is referred
to what he declared in these
proceedings, and not being in agreement the Prisoner and witness
this hearing was concluded which was
read to Rodriguez and to the Black through
