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en la que supieren y fueren preguntados
y dicho Rodriguez leyo al Negro Josef desde
la primera pregunta hasta la ultima res
puesta de la la declaracion dada ante el Co-
mandante de Punta Cortada que comien-
ze a foxas cinquenta y una, la que dicho
Rodriguez se la explico en frances criollo,
se reconocio, que entendia, y se explicaba re-
gularmente en frances negro, afirmandose
en lo que tiene confesado ante el Senor The-
niente Gobernador y Auditor de Guerra y
Reconvenido por su Señoria como es
de que contendiendo regularmente el frances
Negro y explicandose tambien, dice aora
lo contrario a lo que declaro ante el Coman
dante y mas estando presente el dicho Ro-
driguez, D.n Fran.co y D.n Agustin Alain, D.n
Simon Croiset, D.n Alejandro Leblanc
as they knew it and were asked
and said Rodriguez read to the Black Josef from
the first question to the last response
of the declaration given before the
Commander of Punta Cortada which begins
on page fifty one, which the aforementioned
Rodriguez read in creole French,
it was understood, that he understood, and expressed himself
normally in black French, confirming
what he had said before the Lieutenant
Governor and Judge-Advocate and
he responds--
Asked by his Honor how is it
that in understanding Black French well
and speaking it also, that he now
says the opposite to what he declared before the
Commander and others present the said Rodriguez,
Don Francisco and Don Agustin Alain, Don
Simon Croiset, Don Alejandro Leblanc
