D.m Alain, D.n Agustin Alain, D.n Simon
Croiset, Monsieur Lartique Ledoux, D.n Alexandro
Leblanc, Juan Bautista Bara, Algunos otros
blancos, y el Negro Rigodon esclavo del mismo
comandante y de nacion Mina y asi pa
rece que se comprueba que lo que declaro
alli fue lo que se escrivio y lo que ha dicho
despues, es porque lo niega? dixo: que estaba
presente dicho D.n Fernando Rodriguez quien
excribia solamente y que tambien estaban
presentes los dos hermanos Alain y Monsieur
Poidras, pero que el no dixo otra cosa
que lo que tiene confesado ante el Senor
Theniente Gobernador y Auditor de Guerra
y ratificado aora y responde----
Reconvenido igualmente el referido D.n
Fernando Rodriguez con lo que el Negro
tiene declarado dixo: Que es falso lo que
Croiset, Monsieur Lartique Ledoux, D.n Alexandro
Leblanc, Juan Bautista Bara, Algunos otros
blancos, y el Negro Rigodon esclavo del mismo
comandante y de nacion Mina y asi pa
rece que se comprueba que lo que declaro
alli fue lo que se escrivio y lo que ha dicho
despues, es porque lo niega? dixo: que estaba
presente dicho D.n Fernando Rodriguez quien
excribia solamente y que tambien estaban
presentes los dos hermanos Alain y Monsieur
Poidras, pero que el no dixo otra cosa
que lo que tiene confesado ante el Senor
Theniente Gobernador y Auditor de Guerra
y ratificado aora y responde----
Reconvenido igualmente el referido D.n
Fernando Rodriguez con lo que el Negro
tiene declarado dixo: Que es falso lo que
Don Francisco Alain, Don Agustin Alain, Don Simon
Croiset, Monsieur Lartique Ledoux, Don Alexandro
Leblanc, Juan Bautista Bara, Some other
whites, and the Black Rigodon slave of the said
commander and of the Mina nation and so it seems
confirmed that what he said
there was what was written and what he had said
afterwards, why is it that he denies it? he said: that
the said Don Fernando Rodriguez was present who
was only writing and that also present were
the two Alain brothers and Monsieur
Poidras, but that he did not say anything other
than what he has confessed before the
Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate
and confirmed here and he responds--
Don Fernando Rodriguez also being
confronted with what the Black
has declared said: That what
Croiset, Monsieur Lartique Ledoux, Don Alexandro
Leblanc, Juan Bautista Bara, Some other
whites, and the Black Rigodon slave of the said
commander and of the Mina nation and so it seems
confirmed that what he said
there was what was written and what he had said
afterwards, why is it that he denies it? he said: that
the said Don Fernando Rodriguez was present who
was only writing and that also present were
the two Alain brothers and Monsieur
Poidras, but that he did not say anything other
than what he has confessed before the
Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate
and confirmed here and he responds--
Don Fernando Rodriguez also being
confronted with what the Black
has declared said: That what
Previous document:
Interrogation of Jean-Louis by Fernando Rodriguez (September 24, 1792)