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prehendia el verdadero sentido, compro
bandose esto, porque quando los ynterpre
tes Minas se los explicaban, contestaba
bien, haviendose omitido extender sus
respuestas por tener y a dudas en su con
fesion evacuada ante el Senor The
niente Gobernador y Auditor de Guerra
con lo qual se concluyo esta diligencia que
firmaron Su Senoria, dho Senor Asesor,
el mencionado Rodriguez, y los Ynterpretes
frances, lo que no hicieron el Negro
Jaco y los Negros Minas Interpretes por
no saber de que doy fee = enm.do = con = val
El Baron de Carondelet
Fernando Rodriguez Lic.do Man.l Serrano
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Ante mi
Pedros Pedesclaus
Es.no Pub.co
understand the true meaning, confirming
this, because when the Minas
interpreters explained it to him, he answered
well, having not extended his
answers because he already had doubts in his
confession conducted before the
Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate.
with which this proceeding was concluded and
His Honor, said Advisor,
the aforementioned Rodriguez, and the French
Interpreters signed, but the Black Jaco and the Minas Black Interpreters
did not because they do not know how which I attest = the correction = con = is valid
El Baron de Carondelet
Fernando Rodriguez Licenciado Manuel Serrano
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedros Pedesclaus
Notary Public
