los haciendole dho Rodriguez las preguntas que
constan en la declaracion de foxas veinte y
ocho dada ante el Comandante de Punta Cor
tada explicandoselas en el frances criollo pa-
ra verificar si Jaco las entiende y contesta
y procediendo primeramente como se verifico
a recevir juramento al citado Jaco por medio
de los Ynterpretes nombrados quien lo hizo por
Dios en cuya existencia cree prometiendo
decir verdad en lo que supiere y fuere pre-
guntado, verificando lo mismo en enunciado
D.n Fernando Rodriguez su Ynterprete por
Dios y la Santa Cruz y haviendo el mismo
Rodriguez hecho la primera pregunta de
la referida declaracion en el expresado
lenguage criollo hasta la ultima se cono-
cio que aunque el Negro jaco entendio
las palabras de muchas cosas non com-
constan en la declaracion de foxas veinte y
ocho dada ante el Comandante de Punta Cor
tada explicandoselas en el frances criollo pa-
ra verificar si Jaco las entiende y contesta
y procediendo primeramente como se verifico
a recevir juramento al citado Jaco por medio
de los Ynterpretes nombrados quien lo hizo por
Dios en cuya existencia cree prometiendo
decir verdad en lo que supiere y fuere pre-
guntado, verificando lo mismo en enunciado
D.n Fernando Rodriguez su Ynterprete por
Dios y la Santa Cruz y haviendo el mismo
Rodriguez hecho la primera pregunta de
la referida declaracion en el expresado
lenguage criollo hasta la ultima se cono-
cio que aunque el Negro jaco entendio
las palabras de muchas cosas non com-
them face to face with the aforementioned Rodriques asking the questions
which appear in the declaration on page twenty
eight given before the Commander of Punta Cortada
asking them in French creole to
make sure that Jaco understands them and answers
and proceeding first as established
by receiving the oath from the said Jaco by way
of the named Interpreters who gave it under
God in whose existence he believes promising
to tell the truth as he knows it and is asked,
affirming the same the aforementioned
Don Fernando Rodriguez his Interpreter by
God and the Holy Cross and the same
Rodriguez having asked the first question from
the referenced declaration in the said
creole language to the last it was recognized
that although the Black Jaco understood
the words for many things he did not
which appear in the declaration on page twenty
eight given before the Commander of Punta Cortada
asking them in French creole to
make sure that Jaco understands them and answers
and proceeding first as established
by receiving the oath from the said Jaco by way
of the named Interpreters who gave it under
God in whose existence he believes promising
to tell the truth as he knows it and is asked,
affirming the same the aforementioned
Don Fernando Rodriguez his Interpreter by
God and the Holy Cross and the same
Rodriguez having asked the first question from
the referenced declaration in the said
creole language to the last it was recognized
that although the Black Jaco understood
the words for many things he did not
Previous document:
Notification of Juan Bautista Cupidon (September 20, 1792)