las preguntas siguientes
Preguntado como se llama
de donde es natural y
vecino que edad estado
y exercicio tiene y q.n
es su amo Dijo llamarse
Jaques nacion Minan
oficio Labrador de edad
de treinta anos soltero
y esclavo del nombardo
Michel Jejeune
y responde
Preguntado quien lo
prendio y por que causas
Preguntado como se llama
de donde es natural y
vecino que edad estado
y exercicio tiene y q.n
es su amo Dijo llamarse
Jaques nacion Minan
oficio Labrador de edad
de treinta anos soltero
y esclavo del nombardo
Michel Jejeune
y responde
Preguntado quien lo
prendio y por que causas
the following questions
Asked what his name is
where he is from and where
resident what is his age condition
and profession and who
is his master He said his name was
Jaques of the Minan nation
Farmer by trade
thirty years old single
and slave of the said
Michel LeJeune
and he responds
Asked who arrested
him and for what reasons
Asked what his name is
where he is from and where
resident what is his age condition
and profession and who
is his master He said his name was
Jaques of the Minan nation
Farmer by trade
thirty years old single
and slave of the said
Michel LeJeune
and he responds
Asked who arrested
him and for what reasons
Previous document:
Declaration of Cofi [Porche] (July 13, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Pedro Mina (July 13, 1791)