"et apres avoir fait son serment par Dieu & la Ste Croix de dire la verité au sujet de la cite il a dit que
La cite est fausse qu'il n'a point entendu parler du complot contre les blancs et qu'ayant dessendu en ville avec son maître, il avait entendu dire a different(s) negre(s) que quand la paix viendrait tous les negres serraient libres, & que le jour de Paques la paix devaient se publier, et quoiqu'il soit arrivé a la pointe coupée le dit jour, il n'en avait parlé a personne.
N'ayant plus rien a dire & avoir entendu lire sa déclaration il a dit être la pure vérité"
La cite est fausse qu'il n'a point entendu parler du complot contre les blancs et qu'ayant dessendu en ville avec son maître, il avait entendu dire a different(s) negre(s) que quand la paix viendrait tous les negres serraient libres, & que le jour de Paques la paix devaient se publier, et quoiqu'il soit arrivé a la pointe coupée le dit jour, il n'en avait parlé a personne.
N'ayant plus rien a dire & avoir entendu lire sa déclaration il a dit être la pure vérité"
"and after having made him his oath to God and the Holy Cross to say the truth about the statement he said that
The statement is false that he did not hear talk about a conspiracy against the whites and that having gone down to the city with his master, he had heard talk from different negros that when the peace would come all the negros would be free, and that Easter day the peace would be publicized, and that although he had arrived at Pointe Coupée the said day, he had spoken to no one.
Having nothing more to say and having heard his declaration read he said it to be the pure truth"
The statement is false that he did not hear talk about a conspiracy against the whites and that having gone down to the city with his master, he had heard talk from different negros that when the peace would come all the negros would be free, and that Easter day the peace would be publicized, and that although he had arrived at Pointe Coupée the said day, he had spoken to no one.
Having nothing more to say and having heard his declaration read he said it to be the pure truth"
Previous document:
Declaration of the Widow Lacour (May 13, 1795)
Next document:
Declaration of Youyou [Tounoir] (May 13, 1795)