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étoit de lui & que les motifs étoient que
Le Sr. Ches Duffour, l’avoit prevenu
d’une assamblée d’esclaves qui devoient
s’assambler derrière Le S.r Vigne le neuf
du passé, & ayant entendu lire la dite
office, il a déclaré n’avoir rien de plus a
dire dans cette déclaration, & nous avons
ordonné de Joindre la dite lettre au procés
& a signé avec nous & l’assesseur & les témoins
Duparc = Vahamonde = Serano =
Aldre Le Blanc = Jarreau = JB Beauvais
P.re hubert
were his and that the reason was that
Sr. Charles Duffour, had warned him
of a meeting of slaves who were to
assemble behind Sr Vigne's place the ninth
of last month, and having heard the said letter
read, he said he had nothing else to
say in this declaration, and we have
ordered that the said letter be added to the proceedings
and he signed with new and the assessor and the attesting
Duparc = Vahamonde = Serano =
Aldre Le Blanc = Jarreau = JB Beauvais
P.re hubert
