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En la ciudad de la Nueva Orleans a seis de
junio de mil sett.s noventa y quatro años yo el Es
cribano acompañado de D.n Juan Bautista Nicolet
pase a la R.l Carcel y el Alcaide Josef de la Peña
le entrego los tres Negros Cesar, Jacob y Juan
Luis de los que dicho Nicolet se dio por entregado
y otorgo formal recivo y se obligo a responder
de las personas de los tres dichos negros atenerlos
aseguardos, y a la dispocion del tribunal hasta
la resolucion de la causa que contra ellos se
sigue; a cuyo cumplimiento obligo sus bienes
habidos y por haver en toda forma de dro, y
lo firmo doy fee----
J. Nicollet
Pedro Pedesclaux
In the city of New Orleans on the sixth of
June seventeen ninety four I the Scribe
accompanied by Don Juan Bautista Nicolet
went to the Royal Jail and the Warden Josef de la Peña
handed over to him the three Blacks Cesar, Jacob and Juan
Luis of whom the said Nicolet confirmed as delivered
and was granted formal receipt and he committed himself to being responsible
for the persons of the three blacks to keep them
secure, and at the disposition of the court until
the resolution of the trial being carried out against
them, for the fulfilment of which he committed his current and
future assets according to the law, and
he signed attested--
J. Nicollet
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux