dia mes y ano Yo D.n Rivas Comand.te
interino del expresado puesto y su Distrito
en virtud del Despacho que precede, hise
comparecer ante mi, interprete, y tes
tigos de acistencia a Domingo Seizan
a efecto de tomarle su declaracion comfor
me al expresado Despacho; a quien hice
lebantar la mano derecha y
Preguntado por medio del interprete: Juras
a Dios y una Señal de Curz de decir ver
dad sobre el punto de que os voy a inte
rrogar, Dixo por medio del interpete:
si juro y responde
Preguntado por medio del interprete: Como
se llama, que oficio o estado tiene, Dixo
llamarce Domingo Seizan, que es havi
tante y recidente en el Distrito de la
Punta Cortada y responde----
Preguntado por medio del interprete si se
hallo presente a algunas de las decla
raciones que se tomaron en dho puesto
por D.n Valentin Leblan a los Negros que
se concideraron reos de la sublevacion
que se suponia haverce proyectado por
estos, contra los blancos, que exprese a
quales de ellas concurrio, nombrando por
su nombre a cada negro Declarante, Dixo
por medio del interprete: que no fue testigo
interino del expresado puesto y su Distrito
en virtud del Despacho que precede, hise
comparecer ante mi, interprete, y tes
tigos de acistencia a Domingo Seizan
a efecto de tomarle su declaracion comfor
me al expresado Despacho; a quien hice
lebantar la mano derecha y
Preguntado por medio del interprete: Juras
a Dios y una Señal de Curz de decir ver
dad sobre el punto de que os voy a inte
rrogar, Dixo por medio del interpete:
si juro y responde
Preguntado por medio del interprete: Como
se llama, que oficio o estado tiene, Dixo
llamarce Domingo Seizan, que es havi
tante y recidente en el Distrito de la
Punta Cortada y responde----
Preguntado por medio del interprete si se
hallo presente a algunas de las decla
raciones que se tomaron en dho puesto
por D.n Valentin Leblan a los Negros que
se concideraron reos de la sublevacion
que se suponia haverce proyectado por
estos, contra los blancos, que exprese a
quales de ellas concurrio, nombrando por
su nombre a cada negro Declarante, Dixo
por medio del interprete: que no fue testigo
day month and year I Don Francisco Rivas acting
Commander of said post and its District
by virtue of the preceding Dispatch, I made
appear before me, the interpreter, and attesting
witnesses Domingo Seizan
in order to take his declaration in accordance
with said Dispatch; whom I made
raise his right hand and
Asked through the interpreter: Do you swear
by God and a Symbol of the Cruz to tell the truth
about the matter which I am going to ask you
about, He said through the interpreter:
I swear and he responds
Asked through the interpreter: What is
his name, what is his profession or condition, He said
his name is Domingo Seizan, that he is an inhabitant
and resident of the District of
Punta Cortada and he responds--
Asked through the interpreter if he
was present at any of the declarations
which were taken on the said post
by Don Valentin Leblan from the Blacks who
were considered criminals in the uprising
that was supposed to have been planned by
them, against the whites, will he say
which of these he attended, naming
by their name each black Declarant, He said
through the interpreter: that he was not a witness
Commander of said post and its District
by virtue of the preceding Dispatch, I made
appear before me, the interpreter, and attesting
witnesses Domingo Seizan
in order to take his declaration in accordance
with said Dispatch; whom I made
raise his right hand and
Asked through the interpreter: Do you swear
by God and a Symbol of the Cruz to tell the truth
about the matter which I am going to ask you
about, He said through the interpreter:
I swear and he responds
Asked through the interpreter: What is
his name, what is his profession or condition, He said
his name is Domingo Seizan, that he is an inhabitant
and resident of the District of
Punta Cortada and he responds--
Asked through the interpreter if he
was present at any of the declarations
which were taken on the said post
by Don Valentin Leblan from the Blacks who
were considered criminals in the uprising
that was supposed to have been planned by
them, against the whites, will he say
which of these he attended, naming
by their name each black Declarant, He said
through the interpreter: that he was not a witness
Previous document:
Appointment of Nicolas Mauricios as Interpreter (April 6, 1793)