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ofrece a satisfaccion del presente Escri
vano se le permite regresarse por ahora
a su domicilio hasta otra Providencia;
y dese noticia en Secretaria, para que
se le pueda librar su Pasaporte, verifi
cado que sea el requisito prevenido.
Proveyolo el Sr. Baron de Carondelet caba
llero de la Relixion de S.n Juan, coronel
de los R.s extos Governador e Intendente
Grral vice Patrono real de las Prov.s de la
Luisiana y Florida Occidental e Inspector
de las tropas veteranas y Milicias de
ellas por S.M. condictamen del Sr. D.r D.n
Nicolas Maria Vidal teniente Governador
y Auditor de Grra. de esta dha Prov.a y
Asesor gral del Gov.no de ella por S.M.
lo rubricaron en la ciudad de la Nueva
Orleans a veinte de Dre de mil setecientos
noventa y dos años =
Pedro Pedesclaux
Es.no Pub.co
he offers to the satisfaction of the present Scribe
he is permitted to return for now
to his domicile until further Notice;
and let it be known in the office of the Secretary, so that
his Passport may be freed, when
the said requirement is confirmed.
Ordered by the Señor Baron de Carondelet
knight of the Religion of San Juan, colonel
of the Royal armies Governor and General
Intendant royal vice Patron of the Provinces of
Louisiana and Occidental Florida and Inspector
of their veteran troops and
Militias for His Majesty with the judgement of Señor Doctor Don
Nicolas Maria Vidal lieutenant Governor
and Judge-Advocate of said Province and
general Advisor to its Government for His Majesty
they signed it in the city of New
Orleans on the twentieth of December seventeen
ninety two=
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
