ano en que dhos mis deudores ocuren
ally para hacer sus pagos, es evidente q.e
no econtradome en mi casa para verifi
car mis cobranzas se me inposivilita al
hacer las en todo maños y por consiguiente
el poder hacer mis pagos de varias cantidades
que debo, quedando como quedo entonces
expresse a la Execucion de mis acreedores
como asim.o a qualesquiere robo aqui
mi ausencia puede inducir en mis esclavos
por lo que in consideracion de otros evidentes
perjuicios V.S. se ha de servir permitirme
regresar a dha mi caca desde donde estoy
pronto a presentarme en esta capital si
fuere necesario cada vez y quando lo de
termine el tribunal y aqui asimismo
ofresco fianza leza llana y abonada como
a quales q.e que como a mi se siguie
ren por tanto
A V.S. en concideracion da todo lo que llebo
expuesto q.e es y notorio se sirva deter
minar como llebo pedido que es Justicia
Juro Sr.
I. Fastio
ally para hacer sus pagos, es evidente q.e
no econtradome en mi casa para verifi
car mis cobranzas se me inposivilita al
hacer las en todo maños y por consiguiente
el poder hacer mis pagos de varias cantidades
que debo, quedando como quedo entonces
expresse a la Execucion de mis acreedores
como asim.o a qualesquiere robo aqui
mi ausencia puede inducir en mis esclavos
por lo que in consideracion de otros evidentes
perjuicios V.S. se ha de servir permitirme
regresar a dha mi caca desde donde estoy
pronto a presentarme en esta capital si
fuere necesario cada vez y quando lo de
termine el tribunal y aqui asimismo
ofresco fianza leza llana y abonada como
a quales q.e que como a mi se siguie
ren por tanto
A V.S. en concideracion da todo lo que llebo
expuesto q.e es y notorio se sirva deter
minar como llebo pedido que es Justicia
Juro Sr.
I. Fastio
year that my said debtors are
here to make their payments, it is evident that
not being at my house to confirm
my collections it makes it impossible for me
to do it at all and therefore
the ability to make my payments of various amounts
that I owe, remaining as I do then
open to the Action of my creditors
as well as any theft that my
absence could induce in my slaves
therefore in consideration of other evident
damages Your Honor will have the goodness to permit me
to return to my said house from which I am
ready to present myself in this capital if
it is necessary whenever the
court determines and here I also
offer bail subject to no exemptions or privileges as
well as whatever may befall me
I ask Your Honor in consideration of all that I have
said that it is public and well-known may it please you to determine
as I have asked which is Justice
I swear Señor
I. Fastio
here to make their payments, it is evident that
not being at my house to confirm
my collections it makes it impossible for me
to do it at all and therefore
the ability to make my payments of various amounts
that I owe, remaining as I do then
open to the Action of my creditors
as well as any theft that my
absence could induce in my slaves
therefore in consideration of other evident
damages Your Honor will have the goodness to permit me
to return to my said house from which I am
ready to present myself in this capital if
it is necessary whenever the
court determines and here I also
offer bail subject to no exemptions or privileges as
well as whatever may befall me
I ask Your Honor in consideration of all that I have
said that it is public and well-known may it please you to determine
as I have asked which is Justice
I swear Señor
I. Fastio
Previous document:
Secretary Notified of Recent Bail Adjudication (December 19, 1792)
Next document:
Carondelet Grants Fastio's Bail Request (December 20, 1792)