Nueva Orleans 9 de Diciembre de 1792----
Hallandose en esta Ciudad Jorge Bergeron
y el mulato Chayo o Carlos, esclavo de D.n Nico
las Lacour segun ha avisado el Comisionado
D.n Josef Vasquez Bahamonde en cartas de
veinte y seis, y veinte y nueva del proximo
pasado Noviembre numero cinquenta y
seis, y cinquenta y siete, hagaseles compa
recer para que declaren ante el Señor
Theniente Gobernador, y Auditor de Guerra
sobre lo que convenga interrogarles, como
tambien a D.n Simon Croiset; y escribase
Carta al dho comisionado D.n Jph Vazquez
Bahamonde previendole que puede
retirarse al puesto de su mando, re
Hallandose en esta Ciudad Jorge Bergeron
y el mulato Chayo o Carlos, esclavo de D.n Nico
las Lacour segun ha avisado el Comisionado
D.n Josef Vasquez Bahamonde en cartas de
veinte y seis, y veinte y nueva del proximo
pasado Noviembre numero cinquenta y
seis, y cinquenta y siete, hagaseles compa
recer para que declaren ante el Señor
Theniente Gobernador, y Auditor de Guerra
sobre lo que convenga interrogarles, como
tambien a D.n Simon Croiset; y escribase
Carta al dho comisionado D.n Jph Vazquez
Bahamonde previendole que puede
retirarse al puesto de su mando, re
New Orleans 9 December 1792--
Being in this City Jorge Bergeron
and the mulatto Chayo or Carlos, slave of Don Nicolas
Lacour according to information given by the Commissioned agent
Don Josef Vaszquez Bahamonde in the letters from
the twenty sixth, and twenty ninth of this past
November numbers fifty
six, and fifty seven, let them appear
so that they may make declarations before the Señor
Lieutenant Governor, and Judge-Advocate
about that which it is deemed appropriate to question them, and
also Don Simon Croiset; and let a
Letter be written to the said commissioned agent Don Joseph Vasquez
Bahamonde advising him that he may
return to his mandated post,
Being in this City Jorge Bergeron
and the mulatto Chayo or Carlos, slave of Don Nicolas
Lacour according to information given by the Commissioned agent
Don Josef Vaszquez Bahamonde in the letters from
the twenty sixth, and twenty ninth of this past
November numbers fifty
six, and fifty seven, let them appear
so that they may make declarations before the Señor
Lieutenant Governor, and Judge-Advocate
about that which it is deemed appropriate to question them, and
also Don Simon Croiset; and let a
Letter be written to the said commissioned agent Don Joseph Vasquez
Bahamonde advising him that he may
return to his mandated post,