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Reconvenido como entendiendo bien y hablando
del mismo modo el idioma frances criollo
dice aora otra cosa distinta de la que de
claró ante el Comandante de Punta Corta-
da, y mas estando presente D.n Fernando
Rodriguez, D.n Fran.co y D.n Agustin Alain,
D.n Simon Croiset, D.n Alejandro Leblanc
otros blancos, y el Negro Rigodon de nacion
Mina? dixo: que no havia otros presentes
que el dicho Dn Fernando que escribia, el Co
mandante, y su muger, que no se le
leyo lo que se escribio y que no dixo: lo que
se refiere alli y responde----
Reconvenido igualmente el referido D.n
Fernando con lo que ha dicho el Negro Santia-
go? dixo: Que es falso lo que ha expuesto
este Negro y que se refiere a lo que tiene
declarado en estos autos y responde---- y no
Faced with the fact that he understands and speaks
the creole French language well
now he says something different than what he
declared before the Commander of Punta
Cortada, and moreover being present Don Fernando
Rodriguez, Don Francisco and Don Agustin Alain,
Don Simon Croiset, Don Alejandro Leblanc
other whites, and the Black Rigodon of the Mina
nation? he said: that no one was present
except the said Don Fernando who wrote, the
Commander, and his wife, that he was not
read what was written and what he did not say: what is
recounted there and he responds--
The said Don Fernando also being confronted
with what the Black Santiago has said?
said: That what this Black has said
is false and that one is directed to what he
declared in these reports and he responds-- and not
