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negaba aora y en la confesion dada ante el Senor
Auditor lo que aparece escrito ante el Coman
dante siendo asi que sabe y entiende regu
larmente el frances y que estaban presentes
D.n Fernando Rodriguez, D.n Fran.co Alain,
D.n Augustin Alain, D.n Simon Croiset, D.n Alejan
dro Leblan con otros blancos y el Negro de
Nacion Mina llamado Rigodon esclavo del
mismo Comandante? dixo que es cierto estaba
el dicho D.n Fernando Rodriguez, quien escri
bia y el mismo Comandante tambien excribia
pero que no estaban alli los referidos y si su
amo y que el entender aora el frances y
explicarse es por que havia como un ano
que esta preso en la Carcel y en los trabajos
con los franceses y con ellos se ha adelantado
y asi se ratifica en que no dixo lo que
esta escrito por el Comandante de Punta
he was denying now and in the confession given before the
Judge-Advocate what was written before the Commander
being as he knows and
understands French fine and that
Don Fernando Reodriguez, Don Francisco Alain,
Don Augustin Alain, Don Simon Croiset, Don Alejandro
Leblan with other whites and the Black of the
Mina Nation named Rigodon slave of the
said Commander were there? he said that it is true that
the said Don Fernando Rodriguez was there, who was writing
and the said Commander was also writing
but that those mentioned were not there but his
master was and that the reason he now understands and
speaks French is because for about a year now he
had been in Prison and working
with the French and with them he had advanced
and so he confirms that he did not say what
was written by the Commander of Punta
