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que conviniere interrogarle; haciendose
tambien careo del mismo con los citados
Negros, o qualesquiera otras personas si se
considerare necesario, y asistiendo a las
diligencias para su mejor direccion el Li
cenciado D.n Manuel Serrano, Asesor Gene-
gral de la Yntendencia, por estar impedi-
do de pasar a las Casas del Govierno con
motivo de su actual enfermedad el Se-
ñor Theniente Governador y Auditor de
Guerra: Y para lo respectivo al Careo se
avisara para su concurencia a los qua-
tro interpretes nombrados para esta causa. =
Proveyolo el Señor Baron de Caron
delet Cavallero de la Religion C.S.
Juan, Coronel de los Re Exta, Govern.or
e Yntendte gral, Vice Patrano Re
de estas Prov.s de la Luis. a y Florida Occi
dental e Inspector de las Tropas Ve
teranas y Milicias de ella pr S.
M. con dictamen del S.or Don
which are deemed appropriate to ask him; placing him
also in confrontation with the aforementioned
Blacks, or some other persons if it is
deemed necessary, and attending the
proceedings in order that they be better managed will be the
Licenciado Don Manuel Serrano, General
Advisor to the Intendant, given that
due to his current illness the
Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate is
unable to come to the Government Offices:
And as to the Confrontation the four
aforementioned interpreters for this trial
will be told to attend.=
Ordered by Señor Baron Carondelet
Religious Knight of San Juan,
Colonel of the Royal Army, Governor
and general Intendant, Royal Vice patron
of these Provinces of Louisiana and Western Florida
and Inspector of their Veteran Troops and Militias for His
Majesty with the judgement of Don
