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D.n Juan Bautista Nicolet, vecino del comercio
del Puesto de Punta Cortada actualm.te en esta Ciudad
como mas haya lugar por dro, ante V.S. represento
y digo: que como consta del poder que con la solem
nidad necesaria, present, Amable Couvillon, San
tiago Favre y Bartholome Olinda habitantes
de dho Puesto me facultan y autorizan en su
nombre para reclamar los tres Negros nom
brados Cesar, Jacobo y Juan Luis que les
pertenecen y se hallan presos consta en Reales
Carceles por rason del Proceso formado ante a varios
Negros esclavos de diferente habitantes de dho
Puesto: en cuya virtud sobre de recivir V.S. mandar
se me entregue dho tres Negros baxo el
correspond.te recibe, respectara que todos los demas
otros compredidos en dho proceso lo han sido ya
a sus respectivos Amos, por el merito q.e resultan
del proceso para este efecto, y que los ante dhos
mis podesdantes son unos infelices habitantes
padres de familia suma.te miserables
Don Juan Bautista Nicolet, neighbor and businessman
of the Post of Punta Cortada now in this City
as provided by law before Your Honor I appear
and I say: by the power which I present, with the
necessary solemnity, Amable Couvillon, Santiago
Favre and Bartholome Olinda residents
of said Post empower and authorize me in their
name to reclaim the three Blacks named
Cesar, Jacobo and Juan Luis belonging to
them and who are prisoners in the Royal
Jails because of the Trial conducted against several
Black slaves belonging to different residents of said
Post: by virtue of which upon receipt Your Honor will order
that the said three Blacks be returned to me under
the corresponding acquittance, since all the others
involved in said trial have already been returned
to their respective Masters, by merit of what resulted
from the trial for this purpose, and that the aforementioned
my grantors are wretched residents
extremely miserable heads of household
