Place Type: 
Post / settlement: 
-91.44198, 30.72831
We assume this to be the late 1790s estate of Jacques Vigne. No entry for the plot referenced as T4S R10 ES16 on the historical plat maps was found in American State Papers. However, ASP entry no.150 (p.304) states that the tract owned by Marianne Bacon [Baron], Widow of Pierre Descoux, is bounded on one side by the property of Santiago [Jacques] Vignes and the other by Julian Poydras. Also, ASP entry no. 182 (p. 306) states that Salvador Pamais claimd a tract bounded by tract of Santiago (Jacques) Vignes and Jean Bte Beauvais. This plot (T4S R10E S16) is the only one that meets this criteria. Since Santiago is a Spanish variant of Jacques (Wikipedia) we assume this to be the 1795 location of the Jacques Vignes (Vigne) estate. See also the cited Acts of Sale of Property which state that Vignes sold his property to Laurent, Laurent sold to Jarreau and Jarreau sold to Pamais and that the Estate was between that of Widow Descoux and Pamais, which supports the ASP entries for No 150 and 182.
Acreage Notes: 
Acreage based on value listed in the historical plat map index.

Associated People