cion de los interesado, entreguense al su
plicante los tres Negros que menciona
con la precisa calidad de responder el
mismo de su personas y de tenerlos
asegurados; y a disposicion del Tribunal
hasta la resolucion de la Causa
Proveyolo el Señor Baron de Carondelet Caballero de la
Relixion de S.n Juan Coronel de lso R.s extos Gobernador
Yntendente gral vice Patrono R.l de las Provincias
de la Luisiana y Florida Occidental Ynspector
de las tropas Veterans y Milicias de ellas por S.M
condictamen del Señor D. D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal
Teniente Governador y Auditor de Grra de
esta dha Provincia y Asesor Gral del de ella
por S.M. y lo rubricaron en la ciudad de la Nueva
Orleans a quatro de junio de mil sett. noventa
y quatro años
Pedro Pedesclaux
plicante los tres Negros que menciona
con la precisa calidad de responder el
mismo de su personas y de tenerlos
asegurados; y a disposicion del Tribunal
hasta la resolucion de la Causa
Proveyolo el Señor Baron de Carondelet Caballero de la
Relixion de S.n Juan Coronel de lso R.s extos Gobernador
Yntendente gral vice Patrono R.l de las Provincias
de la Luisiana y Florida Occidental Ynspector
de las tropas Veterans y Milicias de ellas por S.M
condictamen del Señor D. D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal
Teniente Governador y Auditor de Grra de
esta dha Provincia y Asesor Gral del de ella
por S.M. y lo rubricaron en la ciudad de la Nueva
Orleans a quatro de junio de mil sett. noventa
y quatro años
Pedro Pedesclaux
from the interested parties, let the three Blacks
mentioned be handed over to the supplicant
with the specific condition that he himself is
responsible for their persons and to have them
secured; and at the disposition of the Court
until the Trial’s resolution
Ordered by the Señor Baron de Carondelet Knight of the
Religion of San Juan Colonel of the Royal armies Governor
general Intendant Royal vice Patron of the Provinces
of Louisiana and Western Florida Inspector
of their Veteran troops and Militias for HIs Majesty
with judgement from the Señor Doctor Don Nicolas Maria Vidal
Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate of
this said Province and General Advisor to its Government
for His Majesty and they signed it in the city of New
Orleans fourth of June seventeen ninety
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
mentioned be handed over to the supplicant
with the specific condition that he himself is
responsible for their persons and to have them
secured; and at the disposition of the Court
until the Trial’s resolution
Ordered by the Señor Baron de Carondelet Knight of the
Religion of San Juan Colonel of the Royal armies Governor
general Intendant Royal vice Patron of the Provinces
of Louisiana and Western Florida Inspector
of their Veteran troops and Militias for HIs Majesty
with judgement from the Señor Doctor Don Nicolas Maria Vidal
Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate of
this said Province and General Advisor to its Government
for His Majesty and they signed it in the city of New
Orleans fourth of June seventeen ninety
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Previous document:
Petition for Release of Caesar, Jaco [Fabre], and Jean-Louis (June 4, 1794)
Next document:
Nicollet Acknowledges Release of Prisoners (June 4, 1794)