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Mrd Luis Guillo alias Lajeunesse de quien
por medio de los mencionados Ynterpretes y
por antemi el Escribano recivio juramento que
lo hizo por dios Nuestro Señor y una Señal
de cruz conforme a dro bajo el que ofrecio de
cir verdad en lo que supiere y fuere pregun
tado y siendolo si ha tenido noticia alguna
de la sublevacion que se dice haver proyec
tado los Negros de la nacion Mina del Puesto
de Punta Cortad y Falsa Rivera con in
tento de matar a los blancos y si a los mismos
Negros o a alguno de ellos les ha oido el decla
rante hablar del particular? dixo Que oyo
hablar generalmente a los vecinos del levanta
miento de los dicho Negros por haverse espar
cido la voz en el pueblo, pero que a ninguno de los
mismos Negros les oyo decir cosa alguna sobre
el particular, ni sabe nada mas el exponente
que lo que refirio en una declaracion que
Honor appeared Luis Guillo alias Lajeunesse (“the Youth”) from whom
by way of the said Interpreters and
before me the Scribe he received the oath that
he gave by god Our Lord and a Symbol
of the cross according to law under which he promised
to tell the truth as he knew it and was asked
and being asked if he had had any notice
of the uprising said to be planned by
the Blacks of the Mina nation of the Post
of Punta Cortada and Falsa Rivera with the
intention of killing the whites and if the declarant had heard
those same Blacks or any of them
speak of the matter? he said That he heard
the neighbors generally speak of the uprising
of the said Blacks from the word
having spread in the town, but that he heard
none of the said Blacks say anything about
the matter, nor does the declarant know anything
more than what he said in a declaration that
